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Zhongzai Learning Time NO.210 | Everyone Is a Product Manager Chapters 1-2
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Everyone Is a Product Manager

Zhongzai Learning Time NO.210

Chapter 1-2 of this course "Everyone is a Product Manager" focuses on the role, responsibilities, ability requirements of product managers and the process and method of requirements analysis.

Main content

The first chapter mainly discusses the duties and ability requirements of product manager. The book points out that product managers need to have a variety of abilities, including requirements analysis, project management, teamwork and so on. In addition, product managers need to understand market and user needs and be able to translate those needs into product functions and features. 

The second chapter introduces the process and method of requirement analysis in detail. Demand analysis is an important part of product development, it includes demand collection, demand sorting, demand prioritization and other steps. The book introduces a variety of requirements collection methods, such as user interviews, questionnaires, usability testing, etc., and emphasizes the need to deeply understand the real needs and expectations of users in the process of requirements analysis. 

The content of these two chapters not only builds a solid foundation for the career development of product managers for beginners, but also provides a valuable reference for experienced practitioners to improve themselves and optimize the work flow, and lays a solid theoretical and practical foundation for the in-depth discussion of product design, development, testing, promotion and other links in the subsequent chapters.

Group sharing

Precise market research and demand positioning

In the early stage of product development, we can deeply understand the market, competitive products and the real needs of customers through questionnaires, interviews, data analysis and other means. This information can be used to precisely position the product, laying the foundation for subsequent research and development, ensuring that the product is both market appropriate and innovative.


Customer oriented product design

In the early stage of product development, we can deeply understand the market, competitive products and the real needs of customers through questionnaires, interviews, data analysis and other means. This information can be used to precisely position the product, laying the foundation for subsequent research and development, ensuring that the product is both market appropriate and innovative.



In project management, the product manager, as the coordinator and facilitator, should make plans and allocate resources to ensure the smooth progress of the project. At the same time, it is also necessary to actively solve problems, promote team collaboration, and jointly promote product success.



优 秀产品经理需具备市场洞察力、商业思维、专 业技能及良好沟通力。作为产品全生命周期的负责人,需与多方保持良好沟通,具备高度责任心和团队精神,以创造更大价值。


Sum Up

Good product managers need to know their strengths, understand the market, and dig deep into customer needs. In a rapidly changing economic environment, every employee should think about how to generate sales and help the company make money. Adhering to the concept of "everyone is a product manager", product managers who can really drive performance growth are qualified and even excellent employees. Product managers need to follow the market, deeply understand the user, innovate, strengthen the team collaboration, while maintaining business acumen to ensure that the product is both popular and profitable potential.

